Library and Information Technology FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. All of the classes for the degree, diploma, and certificates can be taken online.

However, if you are required to take any developmental math or English courses, you may have to come to campus for those. If you are not local, there may be other options. This is something that only affects a small percentage of people.

No. You will have certain deadlines for turning in assignments, participating in discussion boards, and taking quizzes. However, you can log in when it is convenient to you and do them. As long as you meet the due dates, it doesn't matter when you get online.

No. The program operates on the same semester schedule as the other classes at 推荐正规买球平台. Fall semester starts in August and Spring semester starts in January. You may start at either of those times.

New students can start registering for spring classes in mid-November. And they can register for summer and fall classes starting in mid-April. Tuition won't be due until closer to the time that classes start.

As of right now, there are no library courses offered in the summer. If you are in the degree program, there may be some electives and other courses required for the degree that can be taken in the summer, but the selection is small.

The library courses offered in the Fall are:

  • LIB 110: Introduction to Libraries
  • LIB 111: Library Information Resources and Services
  • LIB 113: Library Cataloging
  • LIB 211: Library Programming
  • LIB 212: Special Needs Services in Libraries
  • LIB 214: Library Children's Services

The library courses offered in the Spring are:

  • LIB 112: Library Collection Development
  • LIB 114: Library Public Services
  • LIB 210: Electronic Resources in Libraries
  • LIB 211: Library Programming
  • LIB 213: Advanced Cataloging
  • LIB 215: Library Management

Tuition depends on whether you live in North Carolina or not. Almost every course is 3 credit hours. You can see what a 3-credit hour course costs online. Be sure to look at the chart for in-state if you are in North Carolina, or out-of-state if you are not. The degree requires 65 credit hours. The diploma requires 38 credit hours. And the certificates are either 12 or 18 credit hours. Textbooks cost extra. Expect to spend around $50 per course on textbooks.

Maybe. The degree, diploma, and two of the certificates (Technical Services and Cataloging) are eligible for financial aid. 推荐正规买球平台 does not participate in the federal student loan program, but there are often grants and scholarships available. Please refer to Paying for College for additional details on cost and Assistance.

The earlier, the better. Applications are accepted all year long. However, it can take several weeks for an application to be fully processed, so please allow yourself plenty of time. We recommend you apply by mid-June if you want to start in August, or mid-October if you want to start in January. Don't forget that the college is closed for about 2 weeks at the end of December, and most Fridays in the summer, so delays are possible. Also, if you are not in North Carolina, there can be other delays caused by various state regulations. Please apply early.

Maybe. First of all, you must pay out-of-state tuition if you are outside NC. Secondly, each state has certain rules and regulations regarding distance education programs. We have to basically seek permission for residents of other states to attend our program. In some cases, this is no big deal. But some states are very particular and will not allow it or require a lot of jumping through hoops. If you are outside of NC, please contact our Distance Education department and ask them if you are able to attend (email Amanda Carter at Let her know what state or country you are from. It can sometimes take a while for us to get permission from your state, so be sure to start this process early.

Maybe. We require that you send in official transcripts of all of your college courses when you apply. The admissions team will automatically evaluate your transcripts to see if any of the courses you took can count, and will give you credit if the courses meet the requirements.

The American Library Association (ALA) does not accredit undergraduate library programs. They only accredit master's degree programs. So, for that reason, no we are not. However, the ALA has approved our program as one of the programs people can attend and get certified as a library paraprofessional. You can learn more about that program and see our program listed on the American Library Association website.

Probably not. At least not as a school media specialist. Most states require that school librarians (or media specialists) have a teaching degree and a graduate degree in library science. We only offer an Associate's Degree. Some private schools may have more lenient requirements. You may also be able to work in a school library as an assistant, but those jobs are rare, especially in North Carolina.

Not everyone that works in a library is a librarian. Most people in the profession define a librarian as someone with a master's degree in library science and most librarian jobs have that as a requirement. However, there are always exceptions to the rule. Some small and rural area libraries have librarians that do not have a master's degree. Most of our students, however, get jobs as library support staff with titles like Library Assistant, Library Technician, or Library Associate. These jobs are important too!

Some of the non-library courses will transfer, but it is unlikely that the library courses will. There are very few colleges in the US that offer a bachelor's degree in library science. So, the library courses cannot transfer to a program that doesn't have an equivalent course. Courses like English and Math and other general education classes will usually transfer though.

No. Undergraduate courses cannot count towards a graduate degree.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook says that library support staff positions will increase by 9% through 2026.

If your questions were not answered above, here is who you should contact:

Questions about the Library and Information Technology program:
Lisa O'Quinn, Lead Instructor
(919) 718-7236

Questions about financial aid:
(919) 718-7229

Questions about applying to the program:
Lisa O'Quinn, Lead Instructor
(919) 718-7236

Questions about placement testing:
(919) 718-7471

Out-of-state students seeking permission to attend 推荐正规买球平台:
Amanda Carter, Director of Distance Education
(919) 718-7515